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Contact Information


Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9 AM - 4 PM Office Number: (845) 434-3474

Fax Number: (845) 434-0916


Email Address: nmorris@nycourts .gov


Physical Address: 2 Dairyland Road, Woodridge, New York 12789

Mailing Address: PO Box 655, Woodridge, New York 12789 Justices


Village Justice: David A. Maho


Acting Village Justice: Bart A. Rasnick


Court Clerks


Justice Court Clerk: Nicole M. Morris


Deputy Court Clerk: Michelle E. Morris 


Criminal Court is ONLY held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, every other week the court hears vehicle and traffic or civil cases. Court starts at 6pm, all defendants appearing should come 15-30 minutes early to speak with the prosecutor, clerk and/or sign in to court. Proper court attire is required. No hats, shorts, flip flops or tank tops. All electronic devices must be powered off during court.


Traffic Tickets - Infractions Only


The following information pertains to traffic violations for non-criminal offenses under the Vehicle and Traffic Law or Transportation Law.


The appearance date shown on your ticket is not your scheduled court date. This is the date that you must enter a plea of Guilty or Not Guilty on each ticket issued . Please understand that it is your responsibility to make sure the Court has your correct mailing address and phone number.


To Plea Guilty: Fill out section A, sign your name and return to the Court by the appearance date shown. Make sure you include your correct mailing address. You will be notified by mail the amount of the fine and date on which the fine is due.


To Plea Not Guilty: Fill out section B, sign your name and make sure to include your correct mailing address. It would also be helpful to include your phone number - sometimes we must cancel court on short notice and will call you if we have your number on file. You will be notified your court date to appear in person by mail. If you would like to request a supporting deposition from the Officer, check the "yes" box in Section B.


Appearing in Court: At your scheduled court date, the Village Prosecutor will discuss a possible disposition of the charge/charges . If you and the Prosecutor are unable to agree to a disposition, the case will be scheduled for a Trial to be held where yourself and the Officer w ill appear.  


Criminal Summons


For any criminal summons you receive you cannot plead guilty. The appearance date shown on your ticket is a court date that you must appear on to avoid getting a warrant. You can call the court to confirm that your court date has not been changed. If you are going to hire an attorney you must appear with your attorney at your first court appearance, legal aid will also be available for your use if you qualify.


Civil Cases


Small Claims: A person (18 or older) may file a small claim for monetary damages only up to $3,000. The person or company you are bringing a suit against must reside or have a place of business in the Village of Woodridge. A booklet explaining Small Cla ims procedures will be provided when the claim is filed. The fee for filing a Small Claims case is $10 for claims of $1,000 or less and $15 for claims over $1,000.


Summary Proceedings (Evictions): It is best for you to hire an attorney. The court clerks are NOT attorneys and cannot give any legal advice or assist you with the paperwork. The fee to file is $20. If it is not possible for you to get an attorney, you can go to for free, do-it yourself information and forms. 


Payment of Fines and Mandatory Surcharges


In addition to a fine set by the Judge upon a conviction, New York State Law requires the imposition of a mandatory state surcharge. The amount of the surcharge varies and depends on the nature of the offense.


Forms of payment accepted are cash, money orders and Visa or Mastercard credit cards. There will be an additional 2.99% fee charged for use of a credit card. Money orders should be made payable to the Village of Woodridge Court. The court does not accept personal checks. You can call the office to make payments over the phone by credit card.



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